Fire Risk Assessments

Managing Fire Hazards

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 specifies that the majority of all commercial premises need a Fire Risk Assessment to be carried out by a competent and suitably qualified individual. Identifying and recording potential fire hazards will help you, the “Responsible Person” eliminate and either minimise or remove fire risks to keep your employees, visitors and business protected from fire. 

A Fire Risk Assessment report is the foundation to your fire safety regime and when carried out by a competent, experienced and knowledgeable assessor you can rest assured that you will be best advised on how effectively manage and reduce the fire risks and comply with fire safety legislation.

Usually your Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed at 12 monthly intervals or when plans are made for changes to the building’s use, layout or an increase in occupants. 

With decades of experience in the industry, The Fire People, and our Fire Risk Assessment reports will meet the approval of  any Fire Officer who may visit your business, the Fire & Rescue Service and any other interested parties.

In more recent years, Fire Risk Assessments are sometimes required in the sale of a commercial premises where a mortgage is required. When you commission a Fire Risk Assessment via ourselves you can rest assured to receive a professional and efficient serviced, saving you the time and frustration of attempting to navigate a range of complex British Standard requirements of an unfamiliar industry.

If you would like to arrange a fire risk assessment to be completed on your behalf or advice surrounding fire assessments, please contact us to discuss further on 01633 863895.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire Alarms

Emergency Lighting

Fire Risk Assessments

PAT Testing

Dry Riser Testing

Landlord & HMO Services

EV Charging